High School
Mondays & Wednesdays 8:00-3:00 + Fridays 8:00-12:00
Start the journey!
Class Info
Class Overview
Students are encouraged to step up in academics as well as leadership. We want them to develop life skills and high standards for themselves. They are being equipped to rise and soar. Our High School program and curriculum is built to challenge students to walk confidently into their future. The courses are designed to teach life skills and applicable lessons so that they are prepared and excited. They are provided with opportunities to grow and serve, academically, spiritually and relationally. Our students enjoy courses and activities that push them to own their education, choices and faith. We believe that all of our students have amazing potential for greatness and want to set them up for success.
Tuition – $4,200/yr
Completing their study in grammar helps students to polish off and retain their skills, so that they are equipped to present themselves professionally and academically.
The curriculum will challenge students to have a full comprehension of how intentional God is as a Creator through the world, bodies and everything that He has made for us.
Students will dig through history to analyze what happened and why, as well as recognize the pattern it has set for the world today. They also learn about how it impacts the rest of the world and the way we approach government and decisions. Students look for ways to apply the principles.
Expanding their horizons through books, students will explore different perspectives. Additionally, they will build speed in their comprehension and processing skills.
Students will study and memorize passages “to hide His word in their hearts” and to strengthen their connection with Christ.
Students will push themselves building their processing abilities and sharpening their minds.
ACT & College Prep
Preparing for the future is important, especially if you want to set yourself up for success. This course will help prepare students for their ACT test(s). Additionally, it will help them learn how to navigate different aspects of college, from finding the best program to understanding course selections and more.
Through apologetics, discussion, debate and more, students are encouraged to believe and see the world through a “unique” godly perspective, so that when they face the real world they are ready to own their faith.
Life Skills | Individuality | Leadership
Building on their inherent soft skills, students will be provided with opportunities to hone their natural skills. We believe that everyone is called to lead in some way, shape and form. We want to equip the students to recognize what it takes for them to be a good leader. Additionally, this course will help them to learn how to navigate different relationships by understanding how God made everyone different.
This provides students with the opportunity to improve upon their speed in typing and encourage familiarity with concepts. Typing will help to improve their ability to think and write quickly which will work to their advantage.
Learning how to understand economics, marketing, accounting and more this course will help equip students for entering the business place, head and shoulders above the rest.
Building upon their education students will become confident in the culture and language of Spanish.

1439 E. 71 St. Tulsa, OK 74136
(918) 319-9474