Branching Bootcamp


We currently have 2 microwaves and 1 small mini-fridge.  Students should bring lunch bags.  They may bring stuff that requires a microwave, but please pack it with an ice-pack to help it last until noon.


All grades have snack-time mid-morning.  Only water bottles are allowed in the classroom.  If your student is bringing something for the whole class please check with the Administrator or the class’s teacher to help ensure that it will not cause any allergy issues.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please email for more details & to sign-up.

  • DOD – Dad’s on Duty
  • Field Trip Coordinator
  • Class Party Organizer
  • Store Assistant
  • SOAR Speaker
  • Lunch Support
  • TALONs Coordinator
  • Mom’s Coffee Club
  • Subbing


Students earn tickets for good behavior and going the extra mile.  These are given out by teachers and the administrator.  One Wednesday a month, students get to go “shopping”.  The store is stocked by donations from our families.

Welcome to Elevate Oklahoma!

We are so excited that you have joined us on this journey and look forward to partnering with you, the parents.

We are the Elevate Eagles; therefore, you will notice that we like to incorporate eagle terms.

 We like to call this informational page Branching Bootcamp.  For eagles, branching is the act of preparing to take off for the first time.

Our hope is that your student leaves Elevate set up for success.  This page is one way that we hope to empower and equip you as your family joins us.

We are always here to help and answer questions. Please feel free to reach out using the contact methods provided hear or ask us in person. We are happy to serve and support you family in this journey!

school hours

Monday & Wednesday 8:00AM-3:00PM

Friday 8:00AM-12:00AM


1439 E. 71 St.

Tulsa, OK 74136



(918) 319-9474


Social Media

Facebook: Elevate Oklahoma

Instagram: Elevate_Oklahoma

Twitter: TamiSandElevate

Linked-In: Tami Sanders

Next Door: Elevate Oklahoma


We recommend rolling bags, suitcases or carts.  Traditional back-packs work too.  Please make sure that whatever bag they use can fit all of their supplies as we do not have lockers.  There have been ones we have learned by experience that tend to not last.  Consequently, you may want to consider finding a reputable brand to purchase.

We highly recommend investing in a backpack with wheels or suit case. Having wheels is highly beneficial in making transporting smoother and helps to protect everyone’s backs. L.L. Bean a favorite brand of ours, but there are a lot of good ones out there. We recommend looking at  durability, good features and great size/ability to stretch.  It may be an investment but has the potential to make it through most (if not all) your student’s school years, if treated well.


Check out:

We also do a book sale at the end of each year.  Our curriculum stays fairly consistent on an every other year basis.  For the most part, what was used in 2022-23, will be used again in 2024-25.

We do book sales each year to help families to buy and sell their books used at reasonable prices.


You can buy supplies at just about any store including, but not limited to:

  • Walmart
  • Amazon
  • Mardels
  • Dollar Tree

We do encourage families to label things like water bottles & jackets to help with lost & found.



We are excited for this 2024-25 year. We have a great team returning and are excited to be growing. Interested in joining our team? Call (918) 319-9474 or Email:

The school day starts at home. Set your student up for success.

  1. Brain Food – Students should each a real breakfast to start their day.
  2. Sleep well – Being well rested helps students to focus, be alert and be happier.
  3. Be prepared – Dress for success, remember lunch and bring a water.


  • Put it to a tune.
  • Add motions. (ASL – American Sign Language)
  • One-Line-at-a-Time
    • Read the poem/verse/line through several times.
    • Say the first line again and again until you have memorized it.
    • Now do the same for the rest.
    • When you learn a stanza/section/verse, repeat it over and over until it is in firm.
  • Write-It-Down
    • Write it on a piece of paper.
    • Leave a space and write the first line as many times as necessary until you can do it without looking at the original.
    • Do this with each line.
    • Then write the lines in order.
  • Fill-in-the-Blanks
    • Write on a whiteboard/blackboard.
    • Read it over and over until you are familiar with it.
    • Erase one key word in each line.
    • Fill in the spaces from memory.
    • Continue to omit words until you can do it all.

Memorizing and reciting has been a part of culture since the beginning (oral history & bards).  This helps with public speaking, confidence, and memory.

Practice public speaking

  • Stance – stand straight and tall with hands and arms relaxed.  Feet should be planted at shoulders width.
  • If it is a poem, start with the title and poet.  If it is a verse/passage/chapter, start with the reference.
  • Avoid sudden or awkward movements.
  • Avoid distractions.
  • Follow the feeling of the piece.  If it is sad, sound sad.
  • Enunciate and project.  Speak clearly and loud.

For assignments, we prefer that you as parents grade by giving an initial score and final score method.  We recognize that our students are growing and will not always know the right answer.  In the top right of the assignment corner please put the following:

IS: -5

FS: -1


IS – Initial Score: This is however many the student missed on the first attempt.  Mark these questions with a circle/slash/check.  Then give the student a chance to correct them.

FS – Final Score: After the student has had a chance to review their mistakes and try to correct them, regrade those questions.  Put “ok” or “corrected” to mark the right ones.

TS – This is where your initials will go.  Whoever the adult is that graded the assignment should put their initials on the page.


*Please pay attention to the syllabus as some teachers may have special notes on grading, especially for the younger grades.

We recommend highlighting or drawing a line through the assignments when they are done.  You can also check off the boxes.

These will be posted on QuickSchools, as well as passed out in-person during class on Monday.

We are creatures of habit.  We thrive on patterns and appreciate predictability.  Our homework sheets typically follow the pattern of their school day.  We recommend starting at the top and working your way down.  Having consistent goals also helps the students to create a habit of getting things done in a timely manner.

It is very easy for children to respond with quick, simples answers, ie. good, fine, eh, I don’t know, etc.  The family dynamic is important to us.  The best way for you to partner with your student and us is to ask questions that get the right answers.  For many students if you ask the question “Is your work done?”  They will answer “yes”, but their understanding and perspective is different from ours.  We recommend you try asking:

“If school was starting in 5 minutes, would you be ready?”

“Have you done everything on your assignment sheet?”
“Would you please show me your completed work?”

When it comes to inquiring about their day, set the expectation for an answer with some substance.  Ask specific questions.

“What was your favorite thing today?”

“What did you learn about in _____?”

Specific | Measurable | Attainable | Relevant | Time-Bound

One way that we can help set our students up for success, especially when it comes to homework, is through setting good goals.  We want homework to be beneficial and meaningful to our students.  Homework should be able to be completed with plenty of “down-time” remaining for fun, extra-curricular activities, family time, etc.

From experience as parents and educators, we recommend working alongside your student(s) in completing your task.  Checking-in periodically and asking questions to help keep them going.  Setting goals like “let’s do ____ assignment in 30 min” or “let’s finish _____ by noon” helps them to have added incentive for getting things done in a timely manner – T.  The teachers work with the students during class to help make it relevant – R.  For specific, measurable and attainable, our teachers work to make these assignments appropriate for your student – S, M & A.  Depending on your student you can choose to break it up as needed.  Make sure to say the exact assignment and deadline you are aiming for to help make this real for them.  On your end, how you choose to “reward” is up to you.

When to take a note (in-class):

If the instructor writes an example on the board, it is important. Additionally, if the instructor repeats it, you will know it is important.

When to take a note (World-View/Logic/Bible):

Buy a copy you can write on or invest in the transparent sticky notes to use for keeping your thoughts collected on different sections and being able to reference the materials better, as well as general note taking. It will make it easier to recall your specific thoughts and what was stated in the materials. This is really a good practice for note taking in most subjects one studies.

Structure: (whole document)

  • Times New Roman
  • Size 12
  • Double Space
  • Left-Alignment with Indention per paragraph)
  • Bold & Centered Title

Sentence Openers: (per paragraph)

  • Subject
  • Prepositional
  • -Ly
  • -Ing
  • (when, while, where, as, since, if, although, whereas, unless, because)
  • VSS (2-5 Words)

Style: (per paragraph)

  • W/W (who/which)
  • -Ly
  • Strong Verb
  • Quality Adjective

Bonus: (1 per paper)

  • SSS (Short Staccato Sentences = 3 VSS)
  • ? (Question)
  • -ed (sentence starts with a past tense verb)
  • Alliteration (the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words)
  • Simile (a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more vivid)
  • Metaphor (a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable)

Basics: (whole document)

  • Tense agreement
  • Capital Letter
  • Punctuation
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • a/an
  • Sense
  • Name & Date

The blue paper inside all IEW student books with code for teacher’s manual to download. It will prompt you to make an account with IEW.


3rd & 4th:


Statement of Philosophy

All subjects are taught through the perspective of God’s Word so that students will grow in favor with God and man. A student’s family life is important in nurturing character and the mind. We promote the involvement of parents working together with the school, respecting the contribution and authority of each other. Since God is “no respecter of person,” EO does not discriminate on the basis of color, national origin, race, or sex.

Statement of Vision

Raising the standard of excellence for education that spurs the whole person towards growth with a Kingdom mindset.

Statement of Mission

Cultivating an environment that partners with families through a hybrid educational format which equips students academically and spiritually.

Statement of Values

Hear, Do, Be (James 1:22)

To hear God’s voice, to do what He says, to be His disciples

To hear instructions, to do the work, to be the best version of me.

Statement of Faith

EO, as well as its board and faculty, are committed to being Christ-centered and following His love-oriented approach to life.

  • As an interdenominational organization, we avoid the denominational distinctives because our focus is on guiding children to live like they are loved by a heavenly Father and feel confident in their identity with Him.
  • We believe that the Bible is inspired, inerrant and is our reliable source in faith and life. It is God-breathed and given by his divine inspiration.
  • We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. Very God of very God, begotten, not made, of one essence with the Father; through him all things were made. Who, for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son], who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one, holy and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and We look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.

It is vital that children focus on the foundation of scripture throughout their education.  The Bible is God’s living word, and He reveals Himself throughout every aspect of our lives.  We teach all academic subjects through a Christian worldview with the purpose to come alongside parents in developing student confidence in all aspects of life: spiritual, mental, social, and individual.  God designed us all and gave each a unique purpose.  We cultivate an environment and the opportunities for students to shine as individuals so they can utilize their God given gifts and skills for His glory.

At EO, “the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5). We meet the needs of each student with hope and love. We operate in an environment of grace and encouragement. Central to who we are, we provide a Christian atmosphere for students to grow and relate to others in a healthy manner.  We pray His love will be evident in all we do. EO offers each student an exceptional educational experience.